MicroNet Template – Events
Virtual Meeting: SCWD Doheny Ocean Desalination Water Cost Analysis and Rate Impact Study
South Coast Water District is having a virtual Special Board meeting on Thursday, September 2 at 5:00 p.m. David Moore of Clean Energy Capital will be presenting his Doheny Desal Water Cost Analysis to the Board followed by John Farnkopf of HF&F Consultants presenting the rate impacts of Doheny Desal on District ratepayers.
Join from a PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Dial in using any of the five telephone numbers below:
(720) 902-7700
(773) 231-9226
(623) 404-9000
(470) 869-2200
(469) 445-0100
Date and Time
Thursday Sep 2, 2021
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM PDT
Contact Information
Sonja Morgan, Public Information Office
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